Hermes = Mercury(Latin name) “水星







the cleverest of Olympian gods, ruled wealth and good fortune, was the patron of commerce and thievery, promoted fertility, and guided men on journeys. He was herald and messenger of the gods, a conductor of souls to the netherworld, and a god of sleep. He was the son of Zeus and was depicted with a helmet, winged sandals, and the caduceus.





 (1) thievery(n.) 偷竊,盜竊事件

(2) netherworld(n.)

(3) caduceus(n.) (



Homeric simile 


also called epic simile, is a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length.





Was the lame, ugly god of crafts, a skilled artisan who created many wonderful things. He was injured by his father, Zeus, for defending Hera in a quarrel. He was identified with the Latin god Vulcan, a deity of volcanic fire.



★ Hector




Tamer of horses, the captain on the Trojan side, the son of Prime and Hecuba. He fights bravely but reluctantlywar, for him, is a necessary evil. His peace-loving nature is emphasized by the tenderness of the relations with his wife (Andromache) and his son (Astyanax). His personality defines him as a “norm” for Homeric society, for he is a hero of nobleness, gentleness and responsibility.



★ Cassandra


The daughter of Priam (the Trojan King) and Hecuba. She has the power of prophecy given by Apollo. Later, however, Apollo makes her only foretell the future but never believed, because she refuses his love.



★ Leda and the Swan is a motif from Greek mythology in which Zeus came to Leda in the form of a swan.



★ Leda & Zeus gave birth to Helen and Clytemnestra




1. regal(a)帝王的, 王室的

(1)definition : of, relating to, or suitable for a king




2. celebrant(n)司儀神父; 主持儀式的人



3. harrow(n)耙子

(1)definition : agricultural implement, heavy wooden rake

(2)example : a disc harrow



4. summoner (n)召喚者


(1)definition : to issue a call to convene





5. afrront(v)公開侮辱; 有意冒犯

(1)definition : to insult especially to the face by behavior or language

(2)example : It was an affront to common decency.



6. surmise(v)推測; 猜測, 臆測

(1)definition : a thought or idea based on scanty evidence



7. entity(n)實體

(1)definition : something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality




8. exterior(a)外部的, 外面的, 外表的; 外來的

(1)definition : being on an outside surface : situated on the outside

(2)example : his exterior quietness is belied by an occasional nervous twitch — Current Biography



9. spatial(a)空間的; 空間性的

(1)definition : relating to, occupying, or having the character of space

(2)example : the spatial dimensions of a room



10. dominion(n)統治, 管轄; 統治權

(1)definition : often capitalized : a self-governing nation of the Commonwealth of Nations other than the United Kingdom that acknowledges the British monarch as chief of state

(2)example : The ancient Romans had dominion over a large part of that area.



11. tripartite(a)分成三部分的; 由三部分構成的

(1)definition : having three units or parts




12. composite(a)合成的, 復合的, 混成的

(1)definition : made from the joining of two or more parts or elements

(2)example : a composite picture by all the children in the class



13. hypocrisy(n)偽善; 虛偽

(1)definition : the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not have

(2)example : social injustice and official hypocrisy



14. dismount(v)下車; 下馬

(1)definition : to come down from something (as a vehicle)

(2)example : The knight dismounted his opponent.



15. archetype(n)原型

(1)definition : something belonging to an earlier time from which something else was later developed




16. essence(n)本質, 實質; 要素; 本體

(1)definition : the quality or qualities that make a thing what it is

(2)example : he belief that power ultimately rests with the people is the very essence of democracy



17. intermediate(a)中間的, 居中的; 中型的

(1)definition : being about midway between extremes of amount or size




18. jest(n)【書】笑話, 俏皮話 【書】笑話, 俏皮話

(1)definition : an attitude or manner not to be taken seriously

(2)example ::you should know that our teasing was done entirely in jest



19. chaste(n)貞潔的; 純潔的; 在性關係上嚴肅的

(1)definition : innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse

(2)example : as one would expect, the minister's small talk is always chaste, even though he likes a joke as much as the next person


20. bronze(n)青銅 [brɔnz]

(1)definition : to give the appearance of bronze to

(2)example : The statue was cast in bronze.



21. limb(n); ; ;



example : with a compact being too small and a van too large, we settled on an intermediate-sized seda



 22. quiver(v)顫抖; 發抖

(1)definition : an instance of shaking involuntarily with fear or cold




23. degradation(n)下降, 降低; 降級

(1)definition : a change to a lower state or level

(2)example : English teachers bemoaning the degradation of the language that e-mail and instant messaging have allegedly brought about



24. menace(n) 威脅, 恐嚇

(1)definition : something that may cause injury or harm




25. transcend(v)超越

(1)definition : to be greater, better, or stronger than

(2)example : a man whose practical knowledge of botany transcends that of his more educated colleagues 











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