
Seven deadly sins


seven virtues-  In the Catholic catechism, the seven catholic virtues refer to the combination of two lists of virtues, the 4 cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, restraint or

temperance, and courage or fortitude, (from ancient greek philosophy) and the 3 theological virtues of faith, hope, and love or charity (from the letters of Paul of Tarsus); t

hese were adopted by the Church Fathers as the seven virtues.


A list that was developed later, sometimes called the seven heavenly virtues, was proposed by a Christian governor named Aurelius Prudentius who died around 410 CE,

in his poem "Psychomachia" or "Battle/Contest of the Soul". This poem proposed seven virtues to directly counteract the seven deadly sins. The virtues were chastity,  

temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.



  (1) wrath (n.) 暴怒,狂怒

  (2) greed (n.)貪心,貪婪

  (3) sloth (n.) 緩慢,延誤,怠惰,懶散

  (4) pride (n.) 自豪,得意,驕傲,自大

  (5) lust (n.) 強烈的慾望,貪慾

  (6) envy (n.) 妒忌,羨慕

  (7) gluttony (n.) 暴食,貪吃


    Roman numerals(逢四逢九要注意!)


I (1)


X (10)


XI (11)


XL (40)


XLIX (49)


L (50)


XC (90)


C (100)


D (500)


M (1000)


Eris- the goddess of discord


金蘋果- The golden apple is an element that appears in various national and ethnic folk legends or fairy tales. Recurring themes depict a hero (e.g., Hercules or Făt-


Frumos) retrieving the golden apples hidden or stolen by a monstrous antagonist. Alternatively, they are depicted as divine food and the source of immortality in Norse





(1) parachute(n.) 降落傘

    (2) pomegranate(n.) 石榴

    (3) aphrodisiac(n.) 春藥

    (4) nymphomaniac(n.) 花癡



Achilles’ heel 罩門


 is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall. While the mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, metaphorical references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to downfall are common.


Don Quixote

   John Milton<i>Paradise Lost</i>   

</i>the actor is a devil “Sate”

Satan used to be an arch leader (with fallen angels)


◎ Roots


   1. para-表示"與…並行""近旁""降落傘""保護""誤亂"


   (1) parallel(a.) 平行的,同方向的


   (2) parachutist(n.) 跳傘兵,傘兵


   (3) parasite(n.) 寄生蟲


   (4)parasol(n.) 陽傘,(航空,航天)傘式單翼飛機


   (5)parasynapsis(n.) 平行配合



   2. arch-表示"主要的""""""""第一" 


     (1) archbishop(n.) 大主教,主教長

    (2) archduke(n.) 大公,公爵

    (3) archaistic(a.) 古風的

    (4)archaeology(n.) 考古學

    (5) archaeopteryx(n.) 始祖鳥


    3. dis-表示"相反""否定""分離""奪去"""

    (1) disadvantage(n.) 缺點

    (2) disaccustom(v.) 打破習慣

    (3) disaffiliate(v.) 使疏遠

    (4) disaffirm(v.) 反駁,否認

    (5) disaggregate(v.) 使崩潰






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