Immortals of Greek Mythology



 Hemes = Mercury(Latin name) “水星



the cleverest of Olympian gods, ruled wealth and good fortune, was the patron of commerce and thievery, promoted fertility, and guided men on journeys. He was herald and messenger of the gods, a conductor of souls to the netherworld, and a god of sleep. He was the son of Zeus and was depicted with a helmet, winged sandals, and the caduceus.


  (1) thievery(n.) 偷竊,盜竊事件


      (2) netherworld(n.) 陰曹地府

(3) caduceus(n.) (希臘神話)墨丘利的節杖,使者的杖



 Aphrodite = Venus(Latin name) “金星


      the goddess of love and beauty, was either born of the sea-foam or was the daughter of Zeus. She represented sex, affection, and the power of attraction that bind people together. According to some myths, Hephaestus was her husband, Ares was her lover, and Eros was her son.



 Demeter = Ceres(Latin name)



Was Zeus’s full sister, a goddess of vegetation and fertility. She had various lovers, including Zeus, and daughter, Persephone, who was taken by Hades. In her grief, the earth grew barren, and only when her daughter returned to her for eight months of each year did the earth become fruitful.



 Persephone = Proserpine(Latin name)



Was the lovely daughter of Zeus and Demeter, a goddess of springtime. After Hades abducted her, she became the queen of the underworld.



 Hades = Pluto(Latin name) = Dis “冥王星



Was lord of the underworld, the region of the dead. Since he was a brother of Zeus, he was sometimes included among the Olympians. He was stern, dark, inexorable god, and his kingdom was gray and lifeless. He abducted Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, and made her his queen.



(1) stern strict (a.)嚴苛的,嚴厲的


     (2) inexorable (a.) 無情的



 Artemis = Pluto(Latin name)



was Apollo’s twin sister and a daughter of Zeus. The goddess of chastity, she was a virgin huntress who was shown carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows. By some quirk, she also presided over childbirth and was associated with the moon.



  (1) chastity(n.) 貞潔


(2) quiver(n.) 箭袋


(3) quirk(n.) 突然的轉變


(4) preside(v.) 管轄,主持




Eros = Cupid(name name)



        the God of Love, is said to be blindfolded because love is often blind. However in the later poets, he is Aphrodite’s son and almost a mischievous, naughty boy.



  (1) blindfolded(a.) 矇住眼睛的



 Zeus = Jupiter =Jove(Latin name)


was the supreme deity of the Greeks and was depicted as a robust, mature man with a flowing beard. At first a storm-god who wielded the thunderbolt, he became the All-Father who populated the heavens and the earth by his promiscuous liaisons; and he finally became the grand dispenser of justice. His palace was on Mount -Olympus together with the homes of the other Olympians.




  (1) supreme(a.) 至高無上的


(2) wield(v.) 行使(權力),使用(工具等)


(3) thunderbolt(n.) 雷電


(4) promiscuous(a.) 雜亂的,男女亂交的


(5) liaison(n.) 私通,聯絡,聯繫



(6) dispenser(n.) 分配者






      was the goddess of the rainbow and sometimes a messenger of the gods.




maniac (a.) 發狂的,狂熱的 (n.) 瘋子,入迷者

      is a kind of desire



  Styx (n.) 冥河

       was the river of the unbreakable oath by which the gods swear.  


(1) oath (n.) 誓言,誓約




  (1) loan (v.) (n.) 貸款


  (a) money lent at interest


  (b) something lent usually for the borrower’s temporary use



  (2) lien (n.) 先得權


       a change upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty ordinarily arising by operation of low.


(3) mortgage (v.) (n.) 抵押


         A conveyance of or lien against property(as for securing a loan) that becomes void upon payment or performance according to stipulated terms.

(4) rivalry (n.)


         the act of rivaling, the states of being a rival.  






1. com- 表示一起共同完全


(1) compose(v.) 作成,組成


(2) composition(n.) 作文


(3) complicate(v.) 複雜


(4) competition(n.) 競爭


(5) combination(n.) 結合



2. demo- 表示人民人口


(1) demographic(a.) 人口統計學的


(2) demobilization(n.) 動員,解散


(3) democracy(n.) 民主


(4) democratization(n.) 民主化


(5)  demographics(n.) 人口統計資料(如年齡,性別,收入等)



3. sym- = syn- 表示同時類似


(1) symbiosis(n.) 共生


(2) symbology(n.) 象徵學


(3) sympathizer(n.) 同情者,同意者,支持者


(4) sympatric(a.) (生物學)分佈區重疊的,同域的


(5) symphonious(a.) 諧音的,協調的










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