★ Midterm Exam



1. churn (v.) 攪拌 ; 劇烈攪動 ; 翻騰

(1) definition : to agitate (milk or cream) in a churn in order to make butter ; to stir or agitate violently ; to make (as foam) by so doing

(2) example : The motorboats churned the water. ; The water churned all around us. ; The wheels began to slowly churn.

2. magnanimous (adj.) 寬大的 ; 有雅量的 ; 表現高尚品德的

(1) definition : showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit ; showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind

(2) Origin : Latin magnanimus, from magnus great + animus spirit — more at much, animate

(3) example : She was too magnanimous to resent all the things others had said to her.

3. daunt (v.) 嚇倒 ; 使氣餒 ; 使萎縮

(1) definition : to lessen the courage of

(2) Origin : Middle English, from Anglo-French danter, daunter, from Latin domitare to tame, frequentative of domare — more at tame

(3) example :

4. dawdle (v.) 閒混 ; 偷懶 ; 遊蕩

(1) definition : to spend time idly ; to move lackadaisically

(2) example : Hurry up! There's no time to dawdle. ; Come home immediately after school, and don't dawdle

5. scoot (v.) 急走 ; 飛奔

(1) definition : to move swiftly ; to slide especially while seated

(2) Origin : perhaps alteration of earlier scout, of unknown origin

(3) example : She talked to us for a few minutes before scooting off to some appointment. ; She scooted her chair back a few inches.



(1)definition : producing no results

(2)example : the prison is so well guarded that all attempts to escape have been futile


7. geometry(n)幾何學

(1)definition :the outward appearance of something as distinguished from its substance

(2)example :the geometry of Sydney's famed opera house is suggestive of some modernistic sailing ship


8. arithmetic(n)算術計算

(1)definition :the act or process of performing mathematical operations to find a value

(2)example :I haven't actually done the arithmetic yet, but I suspect we're losing money on the deal


9. diagonal(a)對角線的

(1)definition :running in a slanting direction

(2)example :the diagonal design ran up the wall all the way from the lower left to the upper right-hand corner


10. vigorous(a)精力充沛的壯健的

(1)definition :having active strength of body or mind

(2)example :The nest held three vigorous young birds.
 11.deck(n)(船的) 艙面甲板


(1)definition :a flat roofless structure attached to a building

(2)example :The upper, main, middle, and lower decks of a ship are somewhat like the stories of a house.


12. renounce(v)聲明放棄拋棄

(1)definition :to give up

(2)example :He renounced his claim to the inheritance.


13. handiwork(n)手工手工藝

(1)definition :something produced by physical or intellectual effort

(2)example :proud of his handiwork, he was certain that the birdhouse would win first place in its category


14. avenge(v)...報仇

(1)definition :to punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible for

(2)example :a play about a prince who struggles to avenge his father's death


15. insolence(n)傲慢無禮厚顏

(1)definition :disrespectful or argumentative talk given in response to a command or request

(2)example :amazed that parents would tolerate such insolence from their teenaged children

16. diadem(n)王冠


(1)definition :a decorative band or wreath worn about the head as a symbol of victory or honor

(2)example :Miss America's diadem was auctioned off for charity


17. dreadful(a)可怕的 令人恐懼的令人敬畏的

(1)definition :causing dread

(2)example :There has been a dreadful earthquake in Iran.


18. afterthought(n)事後的想法 [ˋɑ:ftəθɔ:t]

(1)definition :afterthought, repentance



(2)example :used subtle methods of persuasion


20. spare(v)(常用於否定句或疑問句)節約省用吝惜

(1)definition :being over what is needed

(2)example :I had some spare time to kill, so I cleaned up my cubicle a bit

19. subtle(a)微妙的難捉摸的 不可思議的(1)definition :clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive means

21. infuriatingly(adv)令人氣憤地

(1)definition :in a fury

(2)example :He went with her inguriatingly.


22. illogicality(n)不合邏輯

(1)definition ::the thing which is not logical

(2)example :The thing is in illogicality.



23.attendant(n)陪從, 隨員

(1)definition :coming as a result

(2)example :dreaded the coming flu season and the attendant flood of school absences



24. diadem(n)王冠,

(1)definition :a decorative band or wreath worn about the head as a symbol of victory or honor

(2)example :Miss America's diadem was auctioned off for charity


25. wretch(n)可憐的人, 苦命的人

(1)definition :a mean, evil, or unprincipled person

(2)example :the clerk was an ungrateful wretch who stole money from his employer's cash register



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